Single VS. Double Quotation Marks: What Are The Correct Ways To Use Them?

I cannot forget the days I had challenges in my writing because of single quotes and double quotes. Sometimes when I read, I see writers use single quotations for some words or phrases in their articles and at the same time use double quotations. So my question was always, what exactly is the difference between these punctuation marks especially since they look alike? So, if you are wondering, as I did too, read on as I have discovered the difference between the two quotation marks, when to use them, and how you can use them appropriately in your articles.

The Correct Way To Use Single And Double Quotation Marks

The single quotation (‘’). When do you have to use the single quotation?

  1. Use the single quotation when you are quoting a quote that already has the single-quoted words. Examples: "The word ‘marketing’ has dynamic meaning putting customers on a trail of choice,” said the speaker. (Here, the writer is quoting a quote that is in a quote the way it is).
  2. Use a single quotation for words in headlines. Examples are:How to Handle ‘Can we meet you?’ with Solicitous Answers in Interviews. 15 Words to Replace ‘Very’ in Your Sentences.
  3. Use a single quotation for words whose meaning has been detached. Example: Don’t worry, after reading the whole of this eBook, you are already a ‘bird’ in punctuation. (Bird in this sentence does not mean the real bird. It means excellent and this is why the writer should use a single quote to signify).

How to Use the Double Quotation (“ ”)

  1. Use the double quotation for titles of articles, newspapers, magazines, journals, and books in writing. Example: One of the best articles I have ever read is Golden Blogger’s “Grow Your Traffic: 13 Tricks to Make Them Click Your Headlines” (Supported by 4 Studies).
  2. Use the double quotation when you are quoting an author. Examples: According to Jeremy and Jeffrey, " multitasking is not totally bad for students."
  3. Use the double quotation when you mention a concept that is said by the author. E.g: Drivers should only text or call when driving if they are "advanced motorists." Note: "Advanced motorists" is the idea of the author, what he formed. Thus, it must be double-quoted. 
  4. Use the double quotation for a word or sentence you emphasized. E.g: Hy Jade! Is the sentence "She had gone to school early today" correct? (the writer added a quotation to this sentence because he wants Jade to understand that she needs an answer to that particular sentence). 

Using single and double quotation marks correctly is not always easy because one is just like the other, but you can get the hang of it by falling in love with reading articles. Reading your favorite authors has the trick of picking up a phrase that grabs your attention or interest and repeating it in your own words. Or take it as a writing exercise that can help you improve your writing style. 

Also, you can always make use of online writing tools that will help you correct them in case you are in doubt or not sure if you got the usage of the quotation right. One of the tools I use that is more reliable is Grammarly. It will help you get rid of all the quotation errors in your article and also make your article sound professional. The good news about Grammarly is that you can use this feature for free. All you just have to do is sign up here and start using it to correct your quotation errors.

I hope you have learned from reading this article. As a student, always remember that you can always do your work and write an effective article or essay. All you have to do is subscribe and receive all the updates that will help you develop your writing skills from us.

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