20 New English Words To Learn This Week

When it comes to English, it is the most spoken language in the world. Not only that, but it is also the most studied language that 90 percent of people in the whole world concentrate on studying irrespective of if they are native speakers or not. Again, the English Language has taken over the world to the extent that it is regarded mostly as the only Language suitable for formality. So, it is commonly spoken in offices, events, and many other places. The essence is that there is no way as a student, writer, or speaker you can completely avoid the English language. And to be competent at it, you need to be familiar with it. The reason why we have provided these: 

20 New English Words 

They are suitable to use for assignments, for lectures, in your writings, and good for readings. So, do not waste your precious time, learn new words today

Turpitude (Noun) 

An act of wickedness; evil 

Felony (Noun) 

A severe criminal offense that usually leads to death

Plenary (Noun) 

Wholeness; complete; absolute

Conviction (Noun) 

A belief that is held absolutely; fixed and difficult to change.

Punitive (Adjective) 

Requiring punishment. Whenever a punitive measure is asked to take, it means that punishment must be served.

Bordering (Adjective)

To be connected; similarity; link; Having common characteristics

Declutter (Verb) 

To be connected; similarity; link; Having common characteristics.

Quest (Noun)

To seek; In search of goal; A mission 

Backlash (Noun)

To set back or move backward as a result of negative reactions and objections from a group of people. 

Spike (Verb)

To hit; attack 

Eggnog (Noun)

A beverage that consists of milk, egg, and sugar. Check for more details here 

Preclude (Verb)

To Exclude; rule out; ward off; remove or prevent

Minimalist (Noun)

A person who intentionally lives a low life in exchange for valuable things. 

Nonchalant (Adjective)

Carefree; Not interested; Ignore; indifferent.

Degradation (Noun)

To reduce mostly in position; deteriorate.

Underway (Adverb)

To be in motion; moving. 

Lede (Noun)

A chief man; an introductory paragraph of newspapers.

Inhibit (Verb) 

To hinder; obstruct; restrict; limit; curve.

Drought (Noun)

When there is low rain rainfall.

Exude (Verb) 

To discharge; remove; ooze; flow out 

It does not end here. Do you know you can learn new words every day just by installing Grammarly on your phone? Through Grammarly, I have learned a lot of new words by just clicking on a word whenever I write, and Grammarly will list several synonyms for the word for me. Apart from the fact that this helps me learn new words every day, Grammarly also helps elevate my writing in such a way that it gives me the privilege to use bigger and more professional English words. You can sign up here if you'd also like to experience this opportunity. 

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